Universal Design: Building Games with Accessibility in Mind

Universal Design: Building Games with Accessibility in Mind

Universal design is a concept that emphasizes the creation of products and environments that are accessible and usable by people of all abilities, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. In the context of gaming, universal design involves incorporating accessibility features into games from the outset, ensuring that all players, regardless of their abilities or limitations, can fully engage with and enjoy the gaming experience. In this article, we explore the principles of universal design and how game developers can apply them to build games that are accessible and inclusive for everyone.

The Principles of Universal Design

Universal design is guided by seven principles that aim to create products and environments that are equitable, flexible, intuitive, and easy to use for people of all abilities. These principles include:

  1. Equitable use: The design is useful and accessible to people with diverse abilities.
  2. Flexibility in use: The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities.
  3. Simple and intuitive use: The design is easy to understand and use, regardless of the user’s experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level.
  4. Perceptible information: The design communicates necessary information effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user’s sensory abilities.
  5. Tolerance for error: The design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions.
  6. Low physical effort: The design can be used efficiently and comfortably with a minimum of fatigue.
  7. Size and space for approach and use: Appropriate size and space are provided for the user to reach, manipulate, and operate the design regardless of their body size, posture, or mobility.

Equitable Use

Customizable Controls

Providing customizable controls allows players to tailor their control schemes to suit their individual preferences and abilities. Game developers can offer options to remap controls, adjust sensitivity settings, and customize button layouts, allowing players to find control configurations that work best for them. By providing customizable controls, developers can ensure that all players, regardless of their physical abilities or limitations, can fully participate in the gaming experience.

Accessibility Settings Menu

Incorporating an accessibility settings menu into the game allows players to easily access and adjust accessibility features to suit their needs. This menu can include options for subtitles and closed captions, colorblind mode, visual aids, audio cues, and other accessibility features. By providing a centralized location for accessibility settings, developers can make it easier for players to customize the game to their preferences and ensure that accessibility features are readily available and easy to use.

Flexibility in Use

Multiple Difficulty Levels

Offering multiple difficulty levels allows players to customize the game’s challenge to suit their skill level and preferences. Game developers can implement difficulty settings that adjust factors such as enemy AI behavior, puzzle complexity, and resource availability to provide a more accessible experience for players with diverse abilities. By offering a range of difficulty options, developers can ensure that all players, regardless of their skill level or experience, can enjoy the game at a level that is comfortable and engaging for them.

Assistive Features

Integrating assistive features into the game can help players overcome challenges and barriers that may otherwise prevent them from fully participating in the gaming experience. These features may include options for automatic aiming, contextual hints and prompts, assistive navigation, and adaptive gameplay mechanics. By incorporating assistive features, developers can provide additional support and assistance to players with diverse abilities, enhancing their ability to engage with and enjoy the game.

Simple and Intuitive Use

Clear Instructions and Tutorials

Providing clear instructions and tutorials is essential for ensuring that players can easily understand and navigate the game mechanics and objectives. Game developers can incorporate interactive tutorials, tooltips, and contextual hints that guide players through the game in a clear and intuitive manner. By offering accessible and informative guidance, developers can help players of all abilities feel confident and empowered to engage with the game and explore its features.

Intuitive User Interface Design

Designing an intuitive user interface (UI) is key to ensuring that players can easily navigate through the game’s menus, options, and settings. Game developers can prioritize simplicity, consistency, and visual clarity in UI design, using familiar layouts, icons, and navigation patterns that are easy to understand and use. By designing an intuitive UI, developers can minimize cognitive load and streamline the user experience, making it easier for players to access and interact with the game’s features.

Perceptible Information

Subtitles and Closed Captions

Incorporating subtitles and closed captions into the game ensures that important audio information is conveyed effectively to players who are deaf or hard of hearing. Game developers can provide customizable subtitle options, including different languages, font sizes, and color schemes, to accommodate a wide range of preferences and needs. By offering subtitles and closed captions, developers can ensure that all players can access and understand dialogue, sound effects, and other audio cues in the game.

Visual and Audio Cues

Using visual and audio cues to convey information and feedback helps ensure that players can perceive and respond to game events effectively. Game developers can use visual cues such as icons, indicators, and animations to highlight important objects, locations, and objectives in the game world. Similarly, audio cues such as sound effects, music, and voiceovers can provide additional feedback and context to enhance the player experience. By incorporating visual and audio cues, developers can provide multiple channels of information that cater to the diverse sensory abilities of players.

Tolerance for Error

Forgiving Gameplay Mechanics

Implementing forgiving gameplay mechanics helps minimize the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions, allowing players to recover from mistakes and continue playing without undue frustration. Game developers can design mechanics such as generous checkpoints, automatic saves, and fail-safe mechanisms that prevent players from getting stuck or losing progress due to errors or missteps. By providing tolerance for error, developers can create a more forgiving and enjoyable gaming experience that accommodates players of all abilities.

Accessibility Testing and Feedback

Conducting accessibility testing with players who have disabilities or special needs is essential for identifying and addressing potential barriers and usability issues in the game. Game developers can solicit feedback from players with diverse perspectives and experiences, including those with disabilities, to ensure that accessibility features are effective and intuitive to use. By incorporating feedback from accessibility testing, developers can identify areas for improvement and make iterative changes to enhance the accessibility and usability of the game.


In conclusion, building games with accessibility in mind is essential for creating inclusive gaming experiences that welcome players of all abilities and backgrounds. By applying the principles of universal design and incorporating accessibility features such as customizable controls, multiple difficulty levels, clear instructions, and perceptible information, game developers can break down barriers and ensure that all players can fully engage with and enjoy the gaming experience. By prioritizing accessibility from the outset and embracing ongoing testing and feedback, developers can create games that are accessible, intuitive, and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a more inclusive and diverse gaming community. As awareness of accessibility issues grows and technology continues to advance, the future of gaming holds promise for even greater strides in accessibility and inclusivity, driving positive change and innovation in the industry.

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